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With regard to the technical properties of the Internet, no responsibility can be taken for the authenticity, correctness and completeness of the information provided in the Internet, or for the legitimacy of the contents of links. Furthermore, no responsibility is taken for the availability or the operation of this web publication and its contents or links. Any and all liability is excluded for direct, indirect or other damages, independent of their causes, which accrue from the use or non-availability of the data and information of this homepage, as far as is legally permissible.
FBO IT-Services ("FBOITS") employs logos, images, drawings, designs, icons, photographs, video and audio clips, (referred to hereinafter as the “Content"), in addition to trademarks, service marks and other intellectual property owned, controlled or licensed by FBOITS that distinguish FBOITS from other services and organizations. Said Content, which represents the exclusive property of FBOITS, is protected by Austrian, EU- and other foreign laws, treaties and conventions, and will be enforced by FBOITS. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners .
Unless explicitly stated otherwise, said Content is not permitted to be reproduced in any format for public or commercial use. |